Black Friday and Cyber Monday Tips

With Cyber Monday and Black Friday just around the corner, here are some helpful budgeting tips for navigating this seasonal shopping frenzy:

  • Avoid “Urgency” Buying - Holiday sales and marketing are designed to make you feel a sense of urgency, invoking feelings of scarcity that often lead to impulse buying. When you feel that urgency, it’s still worth taking your time to consider your purchases carefully. Get clear on what you really want ahead of time and if you're unsure about an item, sleep on it and decide if you still want it the next day, even if it means missing out on a deal.

  • Prioritize Your Needs - It’s tempting to buy something just because it’s on sale. Try focusing on items that have been on your shopping list for some time that maybe you’ve been waiting to go on sale. Especially if you’ve had your eyes on more expensive items, like furniture or electronics, you may be able to save bigger on these days.

  • Use a Price Tracking App - It’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy of the holiday, but remember that a discount may not be as significant as it seems.  You might even find better value elsewhere. A good way to know is to download a free price tracking app to compare product prices across websites or set up price alerts for products.

  • Beware of Buy Now Pay Later Deals - Flexible payment plans are becoming increasingly popular, and while these programs can be a convenient way to pay for purchases over time with little to no interest, they also can make it easier to overspend without realizing it. If you choose to go with a “buy now pay later” plan, make sure you track it so you don’t have any surprises in your budget down the road.

I hope this is a helpful reminder ahead of the holiday shopping season. As always, if you have any financial questions or needs ahead of the new year, don't hesitate to reach out.